Workshop New frontiers and applications for Quantum Technologies
The Workshop "New frontiers and applications for Quantum Technologies" was held yesterday 09/Sep. We had time around a virtual table to think together and discuss about the project. New and old friends of the HADES community gave valuable contributions during the workshop and the round tables.
Workshop Agenda
Session #1: Photonic Quantum Technologies
Chair: Prof. Jean Pierre Wolf (Univ. Geneve)
- Opening (Dr. Andrea Chiuri - ENEA)
- Rainbows from crystals: correlated photons for advanced applications in quantum technologies (Prof. Stefano Olivares – Univ. Milan)
- From quantum imaging to quantum reading (with photons) (Dr. Ivano Ruo-Berchera – INRIM)
- HADES: ENEA contribution (Dr. Andrea Chiuri - ENEA)
- HADES: Roma Tre contribution (Prof. Marco Barbieri - Univ. Roma Tre)
- HADES: Geneve contribution (Dr. Luca La Volpe - Univ. Geneve)
- Round Table
Session #2: New Frontiers and Possible Applications
Chair: Dr. Nadia Cherubini (President of Nucleco spa)
- CBNR threats & challenges in military and civilian environments (Gen. B. Giuseppe Morabito – Nato Defence College Foundation)
- Operational procedures on countering CBRN threats and hazards by using civil-military cooperation framework (Capt. Spyridon Kolovos)
- How to reveal and manage RN agents (Dr. Filippo Gagliardi – Nucleco spa)
- Round Table
- Wrap up and Conclusions